
Testimonials- Fashion Sketching 2012 Youth/Tween/Teen

"I Love this camp!!!!!!!! I would love to come back. We have a party too! I <3 fashion!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" --Michelle Z. 3rd Grade

"I love This class it's so fun we had a party I'm not always good at Drawing but this helped me improve I love fashion class I will come next year" -- Mackenzie G. 3rd Grade 

"This class is so much fun especially the last day we get to have a awesome last day party We had cupcakes, cookies, lemonade we did kareoke. It's awesome you also get to do pastels It's so much fun you'll love it as much as I did P.S It's better than Stupendous" -- Lane K. 3rd Grade

"During this camp, I learned alot. We learned how to draw clothes and croquis (crokey). If you take this camp, you'll have ALOT of fun. Plus there's a party at the end of the week!! :)" --Rachel B. Entering 5th Grade

"My mo said that I should take this class so I did it was so much fun I wish I could do it agen and We Had a Party!" -- Samantha A. 4th Grader

"I had so much fun we drew dresses and had a party at the end of the week it was with music and of course Junk food. My krokes are not always perfect but this class helped." -- Tanushree M. 3rd Grade going to 4th

"You should take this class because you get to be creative and draw clothes all day. At the end of the week you get to have a party. You also get to design your own collection and decorate your own studio. It's SUPER AWESOME!!!" -- Jianna C. 3rd Grade

"Fashion Class was sooooo fun! We got to draw faces, clothes, and people! You do colored pencils and pastels. On the last day we had a party!" -- Sydney J. 3rd Grade

"I came to fashion sketch camp with no clue how to draw and now I could probably draw a figure in just a few seconds. It was fun the whole time and they made it so you always knew what to do. I am definetly wanting to come back next year!" -- Allison L. 13

"This was my second year doing fashion sketching/fashion design and it was just as fun as last year! I made a ton of new friends and learned a bunch of new stuff. I love fashion, so it was awesome to come and draw it everyday! The only thing I didn't like about it was that it was too short. I wish it was for a month! Next year, I am hoping to come back for a 3rd time!" -- Elena E. 12

"This was a great class, it was my first year doing fashion sketching/fashion design. I made alot of new friends I hope to come back next year!" -- Madison W. 12

"I made friends with like, everyone, and I enjoyed this class because I got to talk to people I had things in common with." -- Emmalee C. 12

"I would have to say that fasion camp was fun because of 2 main things 1) we got to express ourselves through fasion and 2) every one understood me because we had so many things in common. I would deffinatly take this class again! =D" -- Selin Y. 11

"This was a really fun class. I had a great time making out fits. I made a lot of friends. I would definatly take this class again." -- Lauren D. 13

"I had a really Great time in this class. I learned so much. Getting the chance to learn at a University level is not something you get to do everyday. I loved getting to make clothings and put them on a croquis (cro-key)." -- Shadae W. 12

"I love this class. It is so much fun. I love getting to sketch clothes on crokes and putting them in a colection." -- Elena Z. 10

"This class was awesome! I had fun sketching fashion and learned a lot! I think everyone wants to come back next year!" -- Kinsey C. 12

"I loved this camp! their is so many things to do in this class and so many different ways too. this camp has allowed me to feel like a real designer. I will definitly come back next year!" -- Hannah H. 11

"This camp was awesome! I made alot of new friends and learned lots of new things. I would like to come back next year!" -- Sydney R. 12

"I really like this camp! It was really fun to draw and I loved the books we made. I made lots of friends too! I hope I can come back next year." -- Geli K. 12